What to Expect

FCC Stow has a long, rich heritage right in the heart of the Stow community at the crossroads of Kent and Darrow Roads. We are a friendly, welcoming, vibrant, musical church that offers ministries for the youngest child to the most seasoned adult!

  • Worship Services

    We offer two services each Sunday; 8:30am in the Chapel and 10:30am in the Sanctuary. In the summer months from Memorial Day to Labor Day we combine to have one service at 10:00am in the Sanctuary.

  • What to expect when you arrive

    A greeter will be available to hand you a Sunday bulletin. Feel free to sit anywhere you would like. In your bulletin there will be a Sunday Connection Card where you can record your name, address, and phone number if you would like. You can use the Connection Cards to request specific prayers or offer praise for your joys and concerns. You can place your completed Connection Card in the offering plate.

  • Children in Worship

    Children are always welcome in worship! Worship Activity Bags are available for children to use during the service. Our 10:30am Worship Service includes a Children's Message after which they can remain in the Sanctuary with their families or join our Christian Education Team for Jr Church. Children worship with their families when there is a 5th Sunday during the month. Child Care is also available for infant - prek during 10:30am worship.

  • Communion

    We celebrate Communion weekly in worship. It is open to all who confess their faith in Jesus Christ. Communion is passed through the pews & we use grape juice instead of wine.